Sunday, September 3, 2017

Letter sent to The Nation Magazine, September 3, 2017

It did not appear that the Nation's form was working, but, after all, they are the media.

On May 15, 2003 you published an article by Eric Alterman, titled, "Who Framed John Fund?"  
After it was published I attempted to contact you, suggesting you listen to the tape made by Morgan to persuade me she was not lying about having a relationship with John, who was an old political friend of mine.  The recording was made in September of 1999.  The previous March I had called John to ask if he was in a relationship with Morgan.  He denied this entirely.  I told him I was relieved to hear this was not the case as Morgan had been accepting money to slander me to my political associates.  We had learned she was being paid for the service by my estranged husband, Craig Franklin during the discovery for our divorce the year before and received calls from my friends describing Morgan’s statements about me.  

The tape has been removed from American Political Journal but I have a copy of the tape which is published online.

Both Morgan and Fund are lying on the tape.  I knew Fund was lying when I listened to it just moments after Morgan called me back.  She had left me on hold to take his call in the middle of a heated disagreement since I had believed Fund the previous March.  

Morgan was calling me to ask for money, which I refused to give her, because of her previous behavior which had nothing to do with Fund.   That was the first time we had talked since March.  

I would like a response to this query and an explanation for publishing an article which was not researched.  This request is made as a journalist now working on a book about Bush lies which began the Iraqi War.